Two Gudas, Enigma and Minor Pentatonic scales stainless steel. Ukrainian and Ice Flower designs Two Gudas. Enigma (Raga desh Todi) scale/Minor pentatonic scale. Video of Two Gudas. Enigma (Raga desh Todi) scale/Minor pentatonic scale. Scales: African (Minor Pentatonic)EnigmaModel: StandardMaterials: Stainless steelRate the video: Select ratingGive 2 gudas, Enigma and Minor Pentatonic 1/10Give 2 gudas, Enigma and Minor Pentatonic 2/10Give 2 gudas, Enigma and Minor Pentatonic 3/10Give 2 gudas, Enigma and Minor Pentatonic 4/10Give 2 gudas, Enigma and Minor Pentatonic 5/10Give 2 gudas, Enigma and Minor Pentatonic 6/10Give 2 gudas, Enigma and Minor Pentatonic 7/10Give 2 gudas, Enigma and Minor Pentatonic 8/10Give 2 gudas, Enigma and Minor Pentatonic 9/10Give 2 gudas, Enigma and Minor Pentatonic 10/10Cancel rating Average: 8.7 (3 votes)